1. One day-singles’ meetings.

 These meetings particularly target young people in A-level vacation, university students, and those who have finished university/college education and are now in the working class. They essentially involve ministering to young people in areas of; relationships, importance of associations and will also provide them with essential preparatory information on marriage.

 An upcoming singles’ meeting is scheduled to take place in the month of February 2003. The exact date for this meeting is however yet to be fixed after confirmation by Ps. Robert Kayanja.

 2. Contagious Prayer Retreat.

 Contagious as a ministry thrives on prayer to achieve good success in all it ventures into. Contagious has therefore organized a special four-day prayer retreat scheduled to take place from the 10th to the 14th of February 2003 at the Gerenge beach site.

It is in retreats like this that God has revealed His direction for the ministry, increased His anointing upon the ministry and strengthened the bond of Love and Unity amongst ministry members. This has ultimately propelled the ministry to greater heights and realms in the Spirit of God that have manifested in the natural as well.

 3. Campus mass Harvest Crusades.

 Contagious as a ministry focuses all its activities on winning lost souls in the different universities and higher institutions of learning to the Lord JESUS CHRIST. All available resources are therefore invested towards this cause. It is in consequence to this vision that contagious organizes mass evangelism crusades in every institution where it has taken ground.

 The purpose of these grand crusades is to win over to CHRIST the portion of university students who are not able to come to church. Usually at least once every semester, contagious holds a major healing crusade in one of the institutions where it has been established.

One of the most recent crusades was held at the Makerere University main campus grounds, with re-known healing evangelist Ps. Robert Kayanja. In this one night crusade service, over three hundred university students committed their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and many outstanding miracles including unstopping of deaf ears, opening of blind eyes and healings of various ailments were openly witnessed.

 4. Campus Nite Service.

This is a fast growing service that was launched on 2nd November2002. It serves as another special avenue through which contagious reaches tertiary institutions /Universities and colleges for JESUS. Like all contagious out reach programes, its goal is to win over the lost unto salvation. In addition to this, campus nite also targets at imparting character, anointing and spiritual fervor into the hearts of all the students that attend it. This service is known to ignite great fire in the lives of the campus students that attend it.


 In just a few months after its launching, it has brought together  thousands of students attending a single service and many new converts committing their lives to the Lord every Saturday.

The high rate of conversions witnessed in these services has necessitated vigorous response in the arena of follow up. The strong follow up team ensures that there is no stone left unturned especially in the distribution of follow up materials ranging from Bibles, Devotionals and other useful books and teaching materials. This is extremely vital as the vibrant new converts openly show a deep desire for these materials.

 5. Inter-University Conference


This upcoming conference is the first of its kind. It will bring together over ten thousand students from different universities and higher institutions of learning in and around East Africa, for two explosive days.

The avalanche of practical bible teaching, spiritual impartation and stirring up of spiritual gifts vested in these students will cause an environment conducive for a holy  “epidemic” resulting in a new generation of leaders who will perpetuate change in their institutions/universities and nations.

For More Information Contact:

Tel: 000256-71-182-049
FAX: 000256-71-182-049
