Contagious was officially born in 1997 by Pastor Robert Kayanja. His heart had been to start up a ministry that would have the same impact, doing what he would have done in Makerere University main campus, all in his absence.


It all started when Ps. Robert Kayanja was supposed to conduct a healing crusade on the Makerere University main campus but was hindered. Shortly after this incident while on a plane enroute to the United States of America, crying out to God for tertiary institutions, seeking what could be done to win them over to JESUS CHRIST and to see souls saved on campuses, JESUS asked him a question,”What do you have?”  “I have a flu”, Ps. Robert answered. “How does it spread?” Jesus asked again. “It spreads through interaction, it is contagious” answered Ps. Robert Kayanja.


Instantly the HOLY SPIRIT spoke to Ps Robert kayanja saying, “You can get some university students on campus, invest in them what you have. Impart into them the anointing upon your life and share this vision with them. With this impartation, they will be able to do what you would have done if you were on that campus. They will spread the “flu” of JESUS CHRIST like flu spreads from one person to the next. Through these students, JESUS shall be so contagious that he shall start affecting all those who come into contact with them. They shall spread JESUS CHRIST like an epidemic of flu, like wild fire that starts from a small point but sets the whole forest ablaze. With this fire, they will spread ME on campus.”



“For the son of man came to seek and save that which was lost.”  LUKE19: 10.


Our goal is to take our institutions for JESUS CHRIST. We are committed to doing all that it takes to see souls saved on campus. We are also committed to doing whatever it takes to see God’s people live to their best in CHRIST JESUS and on fire for him and his cause. We want to see God’s people enjoy their full rights in Christ JESUS. We are determined, focused and are resolutely pursuing this cause to its end.


However, all the above zeros in on seeing lost souls in higher institutions of learning saved and student’s lives changed and transformed by the healing power and presence of JESUS CHRIST. It is for this reason that we pray, work tirelessly in mobilizing and believe God for souls to be saved in the Campus Nite service. We know that God is going to use this great service to spark revival in all our institutions, that’s why we are doing all that we are doing in regard to the Campus Nite service.


God has called us to bring our generation (campusers) to JESUS CHRIST. That’s our goal and calling as a ministry. We have a mandate to win the lost on every campus and to ensure to the best of our ability, by the grace of God that these believers including new converts reach their fullest potential for God in JESUS CHRIST.


This ministry was born in prayer and thrives on prayer to do all it does. That’s why we have prayer meetings in every institutions where CONTAGIOUS has taken ground. Our greatest cry as a ministry is for the Glory and Presence of JESUS CHRIST to show up in each and every single meeting we conduct and mobilize for. We want to see the Glory of Jesus Christ rain down on our campuses like never before because it is only the Glory and Presence of Jesus Christ that helps us accomplish our vision.

For the son of man came to seek and save that which was lost.” LUKE19:10.